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What the Annual Fund Supports

Reopening school this year includes a host of new needs in response to COVID-19 and the concentrated focus on racial justice and equity in our society. Therefore, Friends of Whitney Young (FoWY) is focusing this year’s Annual Fund in four important areas.

Remote learning puts a hardship on many students who do not have the things they need to be successful.  To answer that need, we have created Dolphin Depot a resource of tools for students who do not have them at home. These include headphones so that they can hear instruction and participate in conversation without the distraction of background noise, calculators which are available in classrooms but not always available at home, webcams for online classes, and standardized test review books for college applicants and other tech tools. 
Combatting racism and addressing the need for more equity and inclusion has gained national attention recently. Our school was founded on an ideal of diversity and as the first magnet school we are committed to addressing racial inequities and embedding anti-racist work at Whitney Young. Our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) committee has identified a critical need for training for our faculty and staff who desire to learn more about navigating identity, equity and bias issues. DEI identified an organization that will partner with us to train faculty, staff and students on bias, foster support networks for marginalized students, and create a bias related incident strategy. This refocus on equity will help create a culture of inclusiveness, understanding and peace.  
Remote teaching and learning requires technology, and our faculty is in need of new laptops and tablets so that they can be at the top of their game when instruction begins. Whether it is breaking down a challenging scientific formula, studying beautiful poetry, or meeting with other students remotely in Global Citizenship class, our faculty needs new and improved technology to successfully execute remote learning.

Social distancing meets group study. This is one of the challenges in 2020 classrooms. FoWY is helping to turn hallway intersections into inspiring study areas such as a new Whitney Young Lobby where students can study independently or in small groups in a beautiful uplifting space when they return to school.



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Your participation is critical. Your gift is meaningful.



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Learn more about what the Annual Fund supports