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What the Annual Fund Supports

The Annual Fund is Friends of Whitney Young’s largest fundraising campaign, and it allows us to provide financial support to our school clubs, teams, and academic departments through our grant request program. This year, our Annual Fund will also provide meaningful support to our Dolphin Depot, a program designed to assist students with electronic devices or assistance needed to drive their academic success. 

Because of you

BECAUSE OF YOU, over 74 clubs and organizations will benefit from your generosity helping a diverse range of students through our grant request process.

Friends of Whitney Young provided grants that enabled students in our Dance department to attend a professional performance, students in the Medi-Club to become CPR certified, and Global Citizenship students to learn from the Refugee in the Classroom program.

Annual Fund donations have an enormous impact throughout our school. Through your generosity, we paid competition/registration fees for our Poms squad and E-Sports, Model UN, Science Olympiad, Mock Trial, Debate, Math, Golf, Track and Business Professionals of America teams.

Annual Fund donations also provided equipment to our Aerospace, Soccer, and Ping Pong teams, and equipment and supplies to many of our clubs, including the Boxing, Skate, Crochet, and All-in-One Hair clubs, to name a few.

Annual Fund donations paid for maps for our classrooms, state-of-the-art sound equipment for our Performing Arts department and Poetry club, and cameras for our Yearbook staff.



TOGETHER, we will share our gifts today that create a brighter tomorrow for our community.



Dream Big

DREAM BIG with us! Supporting the Annual Fund will help our vision come to life.






 Here’s the Bottom line 

Your generosity helps students learn, compete, and pursue their passions the way they do!

Give your tax-deductible donation today or by check payable to “Friends of Whitney Young” and send to:

Friends of Whitney Young
211 S. Laflin Street
Chicago, IL 60607


